Обращение Президента German Micro Class Association

Уважаемые Господа капитаны Микрокласса России, сегодня поступило обращение президента немецкого Микрокласса — Франциса Маркса в котором он приглашает нас к участию в Чемпионате Мира в Варнемюнде, вот он текст официального приглашения:

Dear Microsailors from all over the world!

The German Microclass is very proud to organize the Micro World Championship 2007 in Warnemuende (Baltic Sea).
We would be very pleased, if there would be boats from all nations, who are interested to enter the competition. The sailing area is very competitive. The race will be a big event with more than 15 boat classes and three world championships in a brandnew harbour, built for olympic games.
Warnemuende can easily be reached with ferrys from Great Britain, Scandinavia an the Baltic Countries, by car from France, Spain, Poland, Russia and Austria and of course by plane from nearly all destinations.
Our homepage tries to give you all informations you need to come to Warnemuende.
Don´t hesitate to ask, if you have further questions. We will try to help.
We hope to see you in Warnemuende in July
Dear Russian classassociation, i have completed our webpage for microcup07. Can you please set a link (and a «news-text») to:
It would be nice, if I could get a russian translation of the invitation you can find at: http://www.micro-ger.de/wmhome/welcome_engl.html …for our webpage

We would be very happy, if there would come many micros from Russia.

Francis Marx
Microclass Germany