Внимание, скоро появится новая редакция правил класса МИКРО 2006-2009

Вот  главные идеи и принципы обновления правил:

The Micro Cupper Class, usually named «Micro Class» has sailed over 25 years, and there have
been no major changes in the Measurement Rules. These were written initially in 1977, then
re-written in 1988, and the English version became the official text in 1996.
The Rules are now re-written for the second time, all the additions and interpretations of the
last 14 years are included in the main text, the numbering is completely different.
Appendixes 1 to 6 are to be considered as part of the Rules and are now included in the official
text, submitted to ISAF for approval. A new Appendix 5 was published in November 2004. And
all decisions and official interpretations of the previous years are incorporated in the text.
This edition of the Rules comes into effect on 16th April 2006
Appendixes may be amended every year, this edition includes all revisions including decisions
of December 2005 and January 2006, applicable from 2006

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