Новое правление IMCCA:

….»New IMCCA Board

Since Saturday, the International Micro Cupper Class Association (IMCCA) has a new board:

Philippe Benaben: President
Francis Marx: Vice President West and in charge of development
Bartosz Piotrowskiwski: Vice President Central and in charge of IT and communication with ISAF
Yury Shuvalovlov: Vice President East and in charge of Sport
Jean Louis Hayes: General Secretary
Vvedensky Mike : Treasurer
Manfred Bauendahl: Chief Measurer

This new board is composed of active micro sailor and boat owner. And most of then where sailing in the last Word Championships and Euromicro regattas.
We will very soon publish the NOR for 2016 World Championship in PSKOV (Russia) and the Euromicro calendar.

Waiting for the pleasure to meet you on the Micro regattas!!…»

Philippe Benaben